Aug 19, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

I decided a couple of days ago to begin the adventure of creating my own blog. Thank goodness the wonderful guy who rocks my world (aka my husband, Chester!) is an IT guru and was willing to help me with the frustrating issues of figuring out how to edit code! I love using blogger but the templates they provide lets just say don't do anything for me. I knew there was a way to create a cool appealing looking blog but not being a programmer I was hoping that there were some free templates out there that would work in blogger. It took some searching, let me tell you! I think I finally found somthing I like (at least this is what I'm going to try) and it was from this website: Maybe you are considering blogging and want your site to look a little more snazzy (old word!) than the boring ones blogger offers. Unfortunately by switching to using html instead of bloggers standard templates, not everything works as it should. Let's just say you are going to need to excercise some patience while getting your blog just the way you want it. So bear with me as I edit mine and figure out the world of blogging. I'll post information as I come across it on how to fix any problems I come across. I look forward to getting to know you and hope you will find my blog fun and interesting!

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