Aug 19, 2009

Facebook: Personal vs Business Account

Some of you are friends of mine on facebook (what great friends I have - you are all awesome!) and are also fans of the page for my business, proAktivR. (thank you again!) It's been frustrating to edit the business page because somehow it always tied back to my personal page. Some friends I made through business contacts on facebook sent me a link to an article about that problem.
I was hoping there was a setting I had wrong or something. Unfortunatly as the article states "However if you already have a personal account, keep in mind that you cannot create a separate business account.". Bummer! Thank you Cynthia Richards for the information. Now I don't have to keep wondering what's wrong with my facebook settings.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you. This doesn't make much sense to me at all.
